For Referrers

I consult privately at the RPA Medical Centre. I am committed to open and up-to-date communication between myself and my referrers. As such, I am happy to be contacted through my rooms or on my mobile to discuss any specific questions or urgent cases prior to referral.

A referral to my private rooms can be submitted using the following details or the form below:

HealthLink EDI: vbuckley
02 9550 6257

I also work publicly at The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) where I am part of the multidisciplinary team that cares for patients in the Pelvic Floor Clinic, Perineal Clinic and Pelvic Mesh Service. In addition, I have regular public operating lists at RPAH. Referrals to the public gynaecology team can be made using HealthLink and finding Sydney Local Health District Women’s Health in the service list.

Listed are some of the investigations to include in your referral that are particularly helpful in assessment and streamlining management.

  • Recurrent UTI: any midstream urine results from the past year as well as previous investigations such as a renal tract ultrasound CT scan, or cystoscopy.

  • Pelvic mesh: any operation reports, investigations, and/or letters from other specialists.

  • Pelvic pathology: pelvic ultrasound (including transvaginal) and tumour markers for women with ovarian cysts (CA 125, CA 19.9, CEA).

  • Abnormal cervical screening: current results (HPV & cytology), previous cervical smear results, HPV vaccination history, and/or any STI or vaginal swab results.