Although gynaecological issues are common, many women are embarrassed and put off seeking help. While most are not life-threatening, this does not mean they are not life-altering and may substantially impact your day-to-day activities, relationships and confidence. These issues can be managed in a variety of ways and depend on what you want from your care. We are here to guide you through the options available to you, provide the best and latest evidence for particular treatment options, and manage you after that plan has been initiated. No issue is too embarrassing! We are here to help.


  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Overactive bladder

  • Bladder pain/Interstitial cystitis

  • Voiding dysfunction

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Pelvic mesh (including mesh removal)

  • Urethral diverticulum

  • Childbirth trauma

  • Fistula


  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Fibroids

  • Contraception (including IUD insertion)

  • Abnormal cervical screening/Colposcopy